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Nowadays, most technology but also a lot of everyday objects are run by code. Not only websites, computers and mobile phones but equally washing machines, cars and planes. 

Essentially coding is the language of technology, to automate certain actions. 

You will no doubt have heard of computer languages (e.g. C, JavaScript, Python, C++, C# aka C-sharp, etc.). These are the building tools of coding.

But also useful to know that coding can also be called programming and software development.

So how come it’s the latest trend? 

Increasing awareness about the automation of many devices which control our daily lives has made people want to make sure their kids learn the skill of the future. But adults are also rushing to catch the coding train, not necessarily to become fully-fledged programmers, but at the very least to add this much sought-after skill. 

What makes coding so attractive? 

Firstly, all that is required to learn is a computer with internet connection and a large dose of curiosity. It’s not essential to have a computer science degree.

Secondly, it is exciting to be able to learn a tool which will put you in a privileged position compared to many others. 

Lastly, there is a seemingly infinite demand for new coders, which makes finding a job that much easier. 

There is no shortage of websites, apps and bootcamps available to get started. And the best part of it is that you don’t even need to leave your desk to access them.




hour of code

So I suggest you have a go and see where it takes you.